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the secret art

The nation of Burma, now known as Myanmar, borders India, China, and Thailand.  As a result, the nation possesses a rich martial arts heritage.  As with the fabled Shaolin Temple of
China, Buddhist monks from India introduced the martial arts into the country a thousand years ago.  Later, Chinese styles filtered their way south, merging with earlier influences to form the martial body of knowledge collectively known as 'thaing'.

Thaing includes both unarmed arts, of which Bando is the most widely known, as well as arts of the sword, staff and spear.  Other unarmed arts include 'naban', or wrestling, and 'lethwei', or Burmese boxing.  Naban, derived from the strong heritage of Indian wrestling, and Burmese boxing, considered more powerful than Thai boxing, were both powerful arts..

Bando can be thought of as a unified martial art that includes hand strikes, kicks, and grappling moves.  This places Bando in a select group of unified arts, but what truly sets Bando apart is its modeling of some quite unique animal fighting styles. 

the nine animal systems of bando

The Bando system, as developed by U Ba Than Gyi, consists of 9 animal systems.  These 9 systems are Eagle, Tiger, Cobra, Scorpion, Bull, Viper, Boar and Panther.  Each system is unique in its skills and fighting style.

The Cobra and Viper systems are similar in that their
techniques emphasize explosive strikes and kicks to nerve centers from long and medium ranges.  The systems differ in the individual techniques, how power is derived and how the blows are delivered.

The Python system is involved in close range where grappling, locking and choking are effectively used.  This system has also been called 'death of a thousand screams' because the Python traps anything thrown at it, and breaks everything attached to that weapon.

The Bull and Boar systems are similar in that they both utilize crushing blows from elbows, knees, stomps and head butts at medium and close ranges.  The systems differ the application of these weapons and in the targeting, with Boar being more specific and Bull being more general.

The Tiger and Panther systems both use open palms strikes, sweeps, and claws to open and attack vulnerable areas such as the neck, throat, groin and eyes.  The systems differ in their attack patterns, with the Tiger being a direct attack that draws its prey into its power.

The Eagle system employs the use of both hands simultaneously to block, parry and strike at vital targets from medium and long ranges.  Although very beautiful, these birds of prey are extremely powerful and explosive with their attack.  

The Scorpion system employs traps, and places great
emphasis on pinching, pressing and plucking sensitive nerve centers.  Like the Cobra, the Scorpion is lightning quick with great precision in its strikes, delivering a lethal blow deep into its prey.

Universal to these animal systems is an emphasis on footwork to maneuver outside the opponent's arm's, and moving to the opponent's blind side before striking.  As Bando student's progress into the rank of black belt they are allowed to study the animal systems under one of the Bando Animal Masters.  In Bando, it is said that the animal chooses the student.  Each Bando Animal system has different physical requirements and demands on the body, and each student of the Bando Animal systems is matched to their natural animal based on body-style, personality and natural tendencies.

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the american bando association

The American Bando Association (ABA) is a non-profit WWII Veterans Memorial Martial Arts Organization established in the United States, and is the governing body for Bando worldwide.  The ABA was formed in the early 1960's at American University in Washington, D.C., and is one of the longest existing martial arts organizations in the United States.  It is considered one of the earliest pioneering organizations with more than 40 years of uninterrupted and continuous history.  Approximately 50 percent of the ABA membership is composed of our countries safety forces ( i.e. police and sheriff, FBI, secret service, SWAT, coast guard, army rangers, navy SEALS and retired military personnel).

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